For me it's in my stomach, that's where it lives, the monster inside me, the anxiety. Always from within and centred in my stomach.
The butterfly like sensation arises in an instinct, no time to tame. Tinged with terror, the fight or flight.
This progresses to shaking and pounding, a nervousness that is hard to describe. It courses through my middle and begins to rise up my body. The fear is so real despite rational thinking.
Breathing becomes difficult. Adrenalin starts running through me. Will it peak or wont it this time?
Deep breathing doesn't stop it only escape works. Retreat to my solitude and shake and gasp.
A few hours later it calms, legs will be heavy, a tummy full of butterflies. My body now aches with a kind of tiredness that only anxiety can create. A sleep is all I can do and start again tomorrow. Awaiting the next round, the next trigger, the next cycle of hell.
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